Every week, you’ll get insights and actionable steps to develop yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally

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In this episode of The HaltingWinter Podcast, Seth Winterhalter discusses the topic of personal boundaries and why we need them. Your boundaries determine the access people have in your life. The larger your circle of people and relationships becomes the more access they will ask for. If you don’t have healthy boundaries and consequences for those who break your boundaries, you’ll be in for a life of burnout and frustration. 

To learn more about our FIT Programs to help you reset your physical, mental, and emotional states of being check out:

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“I’m not that fat.” 

If I had a dollar for every time I looked in the mirror and said that to myself over the decade that preceded the collapse of my health…

On this episode of The HaltingWinter Podcast, Seth Winterhalter explains the new FIT Programs that will be launching soon. These cohorts of leaders in similar situations are designed to help reset your physical health while working through the mental and emotional barriers that keep sabotaging that endeavor. It’s time to lose those extra pounds that cling to your body while shedding the stresses and anxieties that have been weighing on your back. 

On this episode of The HaltingWinter Podcast, Seth Winterhalter continues telling his personal story in order to help us see how knowing your deepest rhythms will help you assess whether or not these thoughts and actions are actually helping you get to where you desire to be. If not, it’s time to create new rhythms with new habits. Seth uses his story to help you understand how to look back at your own life and assess in order to move forward. 

On this episode of The HaltingWinter Podcast, Seth Winterhalter walks through his own life story to help you get clarity on how to look deeper at the rhythms and habits that have formed you. Rhythms formed in our childhood are often neutral, neither good nor bad. It’s what we do with those thoughts and actions in specific situations that reveal the effects of our particular rhythms. Listen in and share it if you find it helpful.

On this episode of The HaltingWinter Podcast, Seth Winterhalter continues the discussion about “Rhythms and Habits” focusing on the benefits of setting new habits. He also looks at the problems of living in a social media world where we are often encouraged to take on popular habits regardless if they actually help us accomplish our goals and bring to reality our deepest desires. Listen and let us know what you think.

What if I told you there’s a secret to unlocking your potential and operating at your peak performance? And what if I told you it’s not building within you the habits of notable, successful leaders, entrepreneurs, or influencers? 

What if I told you that the secret was simple? As simple as knowing yourself. 

Sure, there are a few “secrets” to potential and performance but one of the most neglected is this: 

In this episode of The HaltingWinter Podcast, Seth Winterhalter dives into this week’s topics on “Rhythms” and “Habits.” He walks through the differences and how you need to be careful to not try to adopt someone else’s rhythms for your own. When you do, you dance to music that you’ll never quite feel the beat to and that means you’re more likely to fall and fail.

The HaltingWinter Blog

HW Blog: “Drive”

Jul 22nd, 2022

This is true, but only if you have specific, written goals that are tied to your own deep desires. 

Many people will “try one more time” today. 

In this episode of The HaltingWinter Podcast, Seth Winterhalter continues the discussion about desires, goals, and drive by using the illustration of putting a puzzle together. The picture of our life is framed and filled in with thousands of “puzzle pieces” or what Seth calls our individual, subjective, life experiences. Some of these pieces we choose and others are chosen for us. For those that we choose, are we making the best decisions, aligning our deepest desires with our goals, to paint the vivid picture we see for our life?