The Leader’s Lens

Every week, you’ll get insights and actionable steps to help you navigate personal growth and professional success.

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As a City Manager, you’re no stranger to the complexities of municipal governance. Every day, you navigate a labyrinth of challenges – from budget constraints to community concerns, from policy implementation to personnel management. But have you ever stopped to consider one of the most powerful tools at your disposal? It’s not your budget, your staff, or even your years of experience. It’s your words.

Welcome to our week-long exploration of Frank Luntz’s eye-opening book, “Words That Work,” and its profound implications for municipal leadership. As we dive into the world of effective communication, we’ll discover how the right words can transform your leadership, your team, and your entire community.

The Language of Leadership

Think back to the last city council meeting you attended. Was there a moment when the room fell silent, hanging on every word? Or perhaps a time when a carefully chosen phrase diffused a tense situation? These are not random occurrences – they’re the result of language awareness, a critical component of effective leadership.

Luntz argues, and I wholeheartedly agree, that “It’s not what you say, it’s what people hear.” As City Managers, you often focus on the information you need to convey, but how often do you consider how your message is received? The gap between intention and perception can make or break your effectiveness as leaders.

The ABCs of Impactful Leadership: Awareness

This concept of language awareness falls squarely within the ‘A’ of our ABC framework for impactful leadership – Awareness. By developing a keen sense of how our words impact others, we can dramatically improve our ability to lead, inspire, and effect change.

Consider this: when you’re discussing a new city initiative, are you using language that resonates with your diverse stakeholders? Are you painting a vivid picture of the benefits, or getting bogged down in technical jargon? The difference could determine whether your project gains enthusiastic support or faces skepticism and resistance.

The Week Ahead

Over the next four days, we’ll delve deeper into Luntz’s principles and how they apply to municipal leadership. We’ll explore:

  1. The power of context and how to frame your message effectively
  2. The importance of simplicity and brevity in communication
  3. Consistency and credibility: Building trust through your words
  4. Practical strategies for implementing these principles in your daily work

By Friday, you’ll have a toolkit of practical strategies to enhance your communication skills and, by extension, your leadership effectiveness.

Your Leadership Journey

As we embark on this journey together, I invite you to reflect on your own experiences. Think about a time when your words made a significant impact – positive or negative – on your team or community. What did you learn from that experience?

Share your thoughts in the comments on my LinkedIn page. Your insights could be invaluable to your fellow City Managers facing similar challenges.

And remember, this is just the beginning of our conversation. To ensure you don’t miss any of our practical content, subscribe to our weekly newsletter, The Leader’s Lens, and tune in to our podcast. We’re here to support you every step of the way on your leadership journey.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post, where we’ll dive into the power of context in municipal communication. Together, we’ll unlock the full potential of your words – and your leadership.