The Leader’s Lens

Every week, you’ll get insights and actionable steps to help you navigate personal growth and professional success.

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This week, we’ve taken a deep dive into Marshall Goldsmith’s “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There,” exploring how its insights apply to the unique challenges of municipal leadership. We’ve examined potentially limiting behaviors, the power of feedback, and strategies for continuous improvement. Today, we’re bringing it all together with a practical roadmap for implementing these insights into your day-to-day leadership.

As city managers, you’re adept at turning plans into action for your municipalities. Now, it’s time to apply that same skill to your own leadership development. Let’s break down the journey into manageable steps.

Step 1: Self-Assessment

Before you can improve, you need to know where you stand.

Action Items:

  • Conduct a thorough self-assessment using Goldsmith’s 20 Habits as a guide (FREE download below!). Be brutally honest with yourself.
  • Implement a 360-degree feedback process, gathering input from council members, department heads, and key community stakeholders.
  • Keep a leadership journal for two weeks, noting situations where you exhibit the behaviors we’ve discussed.

Step 2: Prioritize Your Focus Areas

You can’t change everything at once. Identify the behaviors that will have the most significant impact on your leadership effectiveness.

Action Items:

  • Based on your self-assessment and feedback, select 2-3 key behaviors to focus on.
  • For each behavior, write down specific instances where it has hindered your effectiveness.
  • Set clear, measurable goals for improvement in each area.

Step 3: Develop Your Action Plan

Now that you know what to focus on, it’s time to create a plan for change.

Action Items:

  • For each focus area, list 3-5 specific actions you can take to improve.
  • Create a timeline for implementing these actions.
  • Identify potential obstacles and strategies to overcome them.
  • Consider how you’ll measure progress (e.g., feedback from specific individuals, self-assessment scores).

Step 4: Implement Feedback Mechanisms

Regular feedback is crucial for sustained improvement.

Action Items:

  • Implement Goldsmith’s “feedforward” technique. Ask key stakeholders: “How can I improve in [specific area] going forward?”
  • Schedule monthly check-ins with a trusted advisor, mentor, or executive coach to discuss your progress.
  • Create an anonymous feedback channel for your team to provide ongoing input.

Step 5: Practice Mindful Leadership

Developing new habits requires constant awareness and practice.

Action Items:

  • Set daily reminders to focus on your target behaviors.
  • Before important meetings or decisions, take a moment to reflect on your goals and how you want to show up as a leader.
  • End each day with a brief reflection on your progress and areas for improvement.

Step 6: Celebrate Progress and Adjust Course

Acknowledge your wins, learn from setbacks, and be willing to adjust your approach.

Action Items:

  • Schedule monthly self-review sessions to assess your progress.
  • Celebrate small wins and milestones in your journey.
  • Be prepared to adjust your goals or strategies based on what you learn.

Step 7: Foster a Culture of Growth

As you work on your own development, create an environment that encourages growth for your entire team.

Action Items:

  • Share your leadership development journey with your team, modeling vulnerability and commitment to growth.
  • Implement leadership development programs for your department heads.
  • Recognize and reward growth mindset behaviors in your organization.

The Power of Partnership: Executive Coaching

While self-directed growth is powerful, partnering with an executive coach can significantly accelerate your progress. A coach can provide:

  • Objective feedback and insights
  • Accountability and support
  • Tailored strategies based on extensive experience
  • A confidential sounding board for challenges

Consider engaging with a coach as you embark on this journey. The investment in your leadership development will pay dividends for your entire municipality. Here’s how I can specifically help.

Your Leadership Evolution

Remember, this is not about achieving perfection. It’s about committing to a journey of continuous improvement. Every step you take to enhance your leadership has a ripple effect, influencing your team, your municipality, and ultimately, the community you serve.

Your Turn

As we conclude this series, I’d love to hear your thoughts. What’s one concrete step you’ll take in the next week to elevate your leadership? Share your commitment in the comments on my LinkedIn page.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our weekly newsletter, The Leader’s Lens, and our podcast for ongoing insights and support in your leadership journey.

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of leadership growth. Here’s to your continued success and the positive impact you’ll make in your communities!