Municipal Leaders: Develop Faster, Lead Stronger, Build Better

The Leader’s Lens

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On this episode of The HaltingWinter Podcast, Seth Winterhalter continues the discussion about “Rhythms and Habits” focusing on the benefits of setting new habits. He also looks at the problems of living in a social media world where we are often encouraged to take on popular habits regardless if they actually help us accomplish our goals and bring to reality our deepest desires. Listen and let us know what you think.

In this episode of The HaltingWinter Podcast, Seth Winterhalter dives into this week’s topics on “Rhythms” and “Habits.” He walks through the differences and how you need to be careful to not try to adopt someone else’s rhythms for your own. When you do, you dance to music that you’ll never quite feel the beat to and that means you’re more likely to fall and fail.

In this episode of The HaltingWinter Podcast, Seth Winterhalter continues the discussion about desires, goals, and drive by using the illustration of putting a puzzle together. The picture of our life is framed and filled in with thousands of “puzzle pieces” or what Seth calls our individual, subjective, life experiences. Some of these pieces we choose and others are chosen for us. For those that we choose, are we making the best decisions, aligning our deepest desires with our goals, to paint the vivid picture we see for our life?

Our latest podcast is live with Seth Winterhalter diving into the topics of “Desires, Goals, and Drive.” How are these three topics connected to your body, mind, and soul, and why are they the primary vehicles of bringing your deepest desires from dreams into reality? This and more on the podcast.

The HaltingWinter Podcast

This week we launched three new podcasts on the topic of coaching. We asked these three questions:

  1. Who needs a coach?
  2. Why hire a coach?
  3. What is the coaching process like?