The Leader’s Lens

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In my time serving as an executive coach to significant leaders such as city managers, I’ve witnessed firsthand the immense pressures and complex challenges that come with running a large multifaceted organization, especially a municipality. From budget constraints to infrastructure crises, the weight of responsibility can be overwhelming. It’s a role that demands serious consideration and often leaves little room for levity with all of the compounding stress. Yet, a surprising insight from an unexpected source has shed new light on how we might approach these weighty issues more effectively.

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s groundbreaking book, “The Body Keeps the Score,” primarily focuses on trauma recovery. However, its findings on the healing power of play and creativity offer valuable lessons for city management. This unexpected connection raises an intriguing question: Could the principles that help individuals recover from trauma also help city managers navigate their complex responsibilities more effectively?

The Science Behind Play and Creativity

While Dr. van der Kolk’s work centers on trauma and its effects on the body and mind, the benefits of play and creative expression extend far beyond trauma recovery. When we engage in playful activities or creative pursuits, our brains enter a state of relaxed attention. This state allows for:

  1. Increased neural connectivity
  2. Enhanced problem-solving abilities
  3. Reduced stress and anxiety
  4. Improved mood and job satisfaction

These benefits are not limited to individuals recovering from trauma; they can be harnessed by anyone looking to boost their cognitive abilities and emotional well-being, including city managers and their teams.

Applying Play and Creativity to City Management

As city managers, we’re tasked with finding innovative solutions to complex city challenges. By incorporating elements of play and creativity into our work processes, we can:

  1. Unlock New Perspectives: Playful exercises can help us break free from conventional thinking patterns, allowing us to see challenges from new angles.
  2. Foster Team Bonding: Creative activities can bring team members closer together, improving communication and collaboration.
  3. Reduce Workplace Stress: Introducing moments of play can alleviate the pressure of high-stakes decision-making, leading to a more positive work environment.
  4. Enhance Problem-Solving Skills: Creativity exercises can improve our ability to make unexpected connections, leading to more innovative solutions.
  5. Increase Employee Engagement: When work feels more enjoyable, employees are more likely to be engaged and invested in their roles.

Practical Implementation: The Word Association Game

One simple yet effective way to introduce play and creativity into your team’s routine is through a word association game. Here’s how you can implement this in your next brainstorming session:

  1. Choose a City Challenge: Start by selecting a pressing issue your city is facing.
  2. Create a Word Web: Write the challenge in the center of a whiteboard and have team members call out related words or phrases. Write these around the central challenge.
  3. Make Unexpected Connections: Encourage team members to find links between seemingly unrelated words in the web.
  4. Develop Innovative Solutions: Use these unexpected connections as springboards for creative problem-solving.

This exercise not only injects an element of play into your work but also encourages team members to think outside the box and approach problems from new angles.

The Long-Term Benefits

By regularly incorporating playful, creative exercises into your team’s routine, you’re likely to see several long-term benefits:

  1. A More Innovative Culture: Over time, your team will become more comfortable with creative thinking, leading to a more innovative organizational culture.
  2. Improved Team Dynamics: Regular engagement in playful activities can strengthen relationships within your team, improving overall collaboration.
  3. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: As your team practices creative thinking, their ability to tackle complex city challenges will improve.
  4. Increased Job Satisfaction: A more enjoyable work environment can lead to higher job satisfaction and lower turnover rates.
  5. Better Outcomes for Your City: Ultimately, a more creative, engaged, and satisfied team is likely to produce better outcomes for your city and its residents.

Remember, the goal isn’t to turn every meeting into a playroom but to strategically introduce elements of play and creativity to enhance your team’s problem-solving abilities and overall well-being. By doing so, you might just find that your team unlocks innovative solutions to your city’s most pressing challenges while enjoying the process along the way.

So, in your next brainstorming session, why not start with a playful, creative exercise? You might be surprised at the fresh ideas and renewed energy it brings to your team. After all, in the complex world of city management, a little play might be exactly what we need to drive serious innovation.