Why can’t working for your municipality be the top-rated place for employment in your city? It can be, if you create a flourishing workplace culture through intentional leadership. Do this and not only will your organization be one that people never want to leave, it will be one that produces extraordinary results.
Learn more: www.haltingwinter.com/culture
One of the most effective tools for change is to remove yourself and your leadership team from the daily distractions and place yourself in an environment that will foster focus and the ability to create strategy and alignment. Our leadership retreats are custom-tailored to create an experience that will not only inspire but give you the insights and steps of implementation to reach your desired results.
Learn more: www.haltingwinter.com/retreats
For the small business owner who needs help optimizing, professionalizing, and scaling their business. Your business needs to run like a well-oiled machine to allow you to focus on delivering the products and services that will make your customers raving fans and promoters.
Learn more: www.haltingwinter.com/smb
For the individual or couple who want the clarity, focus, and tools to create a more enjoyable and fulfilling life. Our one-day workshop will help you assess the various realities of your present, reflect on the insights of your past, and create a captivating picture of the picture you want to bring into reality. Don’t settle for an out-of-tune song when your life should be a spectacular symphony.
Learn more at: www.storylinesymphony.com