The Leader’s Lens

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In our last post, we explored the power of vulnerability in city management. Today, we’re diving into the second skill Brené Brown highlights in “Dare to Lead”: Living into Our Values. In my own leadership journey and now as an executive coach working with city managers, I’ve seen firsthand how clearly defined and consistently applied values can transform leadership and organizational culture. Sadly, I’ve also seen how the values that hang from the wall alongside the mission statement are often mere words, never used to foster a thriving culture or drive desired results.

Understanding Values in Leadership

Brown defines values as “a way of being or believing that we hold most important.” In city management, your values are your north star, guiding decisions and actions even in the stormiest political waters. They’re not just words on a plaque in City Hall; they’re the principles you embody every day, in every interaction and decision.

For a city manager, living into your values might look like:

  • Prioritizing transparency, even when it’s uncomfortable
  • Making decisions based on long-term community benefit, not short-term political gain
  • Fostering inclusivity in both internal operations and community engagement
  • Maintaining ethical standards, even under pressure to bend the rules

The Challenge for City Managers

Living into your values as a city manager comes with unique challenges:

  1. Political Pressures: You may face pressure to compromise your values for political expediency or to appease particular stakeholders.
  2. Diverse Stakeholders: Balancing the often-conflicting values and priorities of various community groups can be daunting.
  3. Resource Constraints: Limited budgets and resources can create tension between values and practical realities.
  4. Public Scrutiny: Your actions are constantly under the public microscope, making any perceived deviation from stated values highly visible.
  5. Legacy Systems: Existing bureaucratic structures and ingrained cultural norms can resist value-driven changes.

The Power of Value-Driven Leadership in Municipal Government

Despite these challenges, consistently living into your values can revolutionize your leadership and your city:

  1. Build Public Trust: When your actions consistently align with stated values, it fosters trust and credibility with both your team and the public.
  2. Improve Decision-Making: Clear values provide a framework for making tough decisions, especially in complex or ambiguous situations.
  3. Enhance Team Cohesion: When values are clear and consistently modeled, it creates a shared sense of purpose among staff.
  4. Navigate Political Landscapes: Strong, clear values can help you maintain your course amidst changing political tides.
  5. Drive Long-Term Vision: Values-based leadership helps maintain focus on long-term community benefits rather than short-term wins.

Cultivating Value-Driven Leadership

Here are some strategies to live more fully into your values as a city manager:

  1. Identify Your Core Values: Take time to reflect on and articulate your personal and professional values. What principles are non-negotiable for you?
  2. Operationalize Your Values: Translate abstract values into concrete behaviors. What does “integrity” or “innovation” look like in day-to-day operations? This is VITAL and I rarely see it done in companies or city halls. Until you do this, your values mean NOTHING.
  3. Communicate Values Clearly: Regularly discuss your values with your team and the public. Use them to explain decisions and initiatives.
  4. Align Organizational Practices: Ensure that hiring, promotion, and policy decisions reflect your stated values.
  5. Create Accountability: Encourage your team and community to hold you accountable to your values. Welcome feedback on how well you’re living up to them.
  6. Navigate Value Conflicts: Develop strategies for situations where values may conflict. How do you balance transparency with privacy, or innovation with stability?

The Role of Executive Coaching

As an executive coach, I’ve found that values work is some of the most profound and transformative for city managers. A coach can:

  • Facilitate deep reflection to uncover your true core values
  • Help you identify gaps between stated values and actual behaviors
  • Develop strategies to align your leadership style with your values
  • Provide a sounding board for navigating complex value-based decisions
  • Support you in cultivating a values-driven organizational culture

To address these needs, we’ve developed specialized resources for city managers. HaltingWinter offers a specific workshop that does just this, connecting your values to your mission, your hiring practice, and your performance evaluations. It’s one of the key factors in dramatically improving culture and achieving extraordinary results.


Living into our values isn’t always easy, especially in the unique environment of city management. But it’s essential for authentic, effective leadership. When you lead with clear, consistent values, you not only become a more impactful leader, but you also set the tone for your entire organization and community.

Remember, the goal isn’t perfection, but consistency and authenticity. By continually striving to align your actions with your values, you create a leadership style that inspires trust, fosters innovation, and drives positive change in your community.

In our next post, we’ll explore how building and maintaining trust complements vulnerable, values-driven leadership in city management. We’ll dive into strategies for cultivating trust in an environment often characterized by skepticism and scrutiny.

How do you ensure your leadership aligns with your values? What challenges have you faced in living your values in a municipal setting? Share your thoughts on our LinkedIn page.