The Leader’s Lens

Every week, you’ll get insights and actionable steps to help you navigate personal growth and professional success.

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Hello, visionary leaders!

Welcome to this week’s edition of “The Leader’s Lens!” As we continue our journey of personal growth and professional success, we’re excited to bring you insights that will sharpen your focus and expand your horizons.

In this week’s lens:

  • New Podcast Episode: Beyond the Balancing Act
  • Blog Series: Essentialism in City Management
  • Leadership Tools & Opportunities
  • Looking Ahead

Let’s dive into the essential elements of effective leadership together.

In part 4 of our 5 part series, “The Municipal Tightrope,” we pull back the curtain on the human side of city management. Through candid conversations with city managers and administrators across the US, we explore:

  • The constant stress and public scrutiny faced by city leaders
  • Challenges in maintaining work-life balance in an all-consuming role
  • Effective strategies to guard your well-being and serve effectively

Listen to the New Episode

Check out the Entire Series

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Are you a current or retired city administrator or manager? Seth is looking for unique stories and insights share on The HaltingWinter Podcast. Learn more here.

This week, we’re exploring the transformative power of Essentialism in city management. Our five-part series delves deep into Greg McKeown’s book, “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less” and how it applies to your role as a city leader.

  1. The Power of ‘No’: Revolutionizing Your Leadership Through Essentialism
    • Learn why saying ‘no’ is crucial for effective leadership
    • Implement the power of ‘no’ in your daily reality
    • Download our free Eisenhower Matrix for City Managers
  2. Maximizing Impact: Identifying Your Highest Point of Contribution
    • Discover how to focus on what truly matters in your role
    • Learn how to use our FREE Eisenhower Matrix Tool
  3. Clearing the Path: Removing Obstacles to Your Essential Work
    • Strategies for eliminating distractions and focusing on high-impact tasks
    • Download our FREE Time-Blocking Workbook
  4. The Power of ‘Less but Better’ in Leadership
    • Embrace quality over quantity in your leadership approach
    • Applying ‘Less but Better’ to City Management
  5. Implementing Essentialism in Your Leadership: A Practical Guide
    • Actionable steps to transform your leadership style
    • Learn how to overcome common challenges

Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize your approach to city management and leadership!

Ready to take your leadership to the next level? We’re here to help:

Special Offer: Book a strategy call to in September to discuss coaching and/or speaking and enter the drawing to receive a free copy of “Essentialism” by Greg McKeown!

Next week, we’re tackling a critical topic: the greatest threat to municipal success and how to overcome it. I’ll be sharing my ABC’s of Impactful Municipal Leadership, giving you an exclusive look under the hood of what I coach and speak on.

This deep dive will:

  • Reveal the most significant challenges facing municipal leadership today
  • Offer clear insights and illustrations to help you grasp key leadership concepts
  • Provide actionable strategies to transform your leadership approach

If you’ve ever wondered about the core principles driving my coaching and speaking engagements, next week’s content will give you unprecedented insight. It’s an opportunity you won’t want to miss if you’re serious about taking your leadership and your city from good to great.

Stay tuned for this game-changing content, and if you’re ready to accelerate your leadership journey, why wait? Set up a strategy call with me right now to start your transformation.

Until next week, keep your vision clear and your impact strong!

Seth Winterhalter | President | HaltingWinter Municipal Solutions

P.S. How has Essentialism changed your approach to leadership? Share your experiences on the LinkedIn page!