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Welcome to this week’s edition of “The Leader’s Lens!” This week at HaltingWinter Municipal Solutions, we explored Peter Drucker’s timeless wisdom from “The Effective Executive” through the unique lens of municipal leadership. If you enjoyed Monday’s public content, consider joining the Municipal Leadership Development Circle (MLDC) to access the complete five-part series, including four additional deep-dive articles and the full podcast exploration. MLDC members receive weekly insights from influential leadership books all year long, translated specifically for municipal context. [Learn More Here]
It’s 7:30 AM. You’re already at your desk, coffee in hand, reviewing the stack of reports due for tomorrow’s council meeting. Your calendar shows back-to-back meetings until 5 PM, including a sensitive personnel issue, a budget review, and a community group presentation. Your phone buzzes – the public works director needs an urgent decision about equipment repairs. Welcome to another day as a city manager.
In this constant whirlwind of demands and decisions, one question becomes critical: Are you being effective?