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As a city manager, you’ve likely heard the phrase “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” But between the walls of city halls, where bureaucracy often reigns supreme and change moves at a glacial pace, transforming organizational culture can feel like trying to turn a battleship with a paddle.
This week, we’re diving deep into Roger Connors and Tom Smith’s groundbreaking work, “Change the Culture, Change the Game,” and exploring how its principles can revolutionize municipal leadership. While the private sector often dominates conversations about cultural transformation, the stakes are arguably even higher in public service, where cultural effectiveness directly impacts community wellbeing.
Hello, Impactful City Leaders!
Welcome to this week’s edition of “The Leader’s Lens!” The most innovative cities aren’t just hiring smart people – they’re mastering how different minds work together. This week, we’ve explored how understanding and leveraging collaborative intelligence can transform your municipality’s effectiveness.
This week, we’ve explored how collaborative intelligence can transform municipal leadership. But here’s the challenge: How do you take these powerful insights and turn them into tangible changes in your organization? Today, we’re getting tactical – providing you with a plethora of concrete tools and practical strategies to make collaborative intelligence work in your municipality.
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” This famous quote from Peter Drucker could be adapted for municipal government: “Infrastructure determines innovation.” You can have the smartest people, the best intentions, and a clear vision for collaboration, but if your systems and structures don’t support collective intelligence, transformation will remain elusive.
What does flying Coast Guard rescue missions have in common with running a city? According to Peter Troedsson, City Manager of Albany, Oregon, more than you might think.
In this week’s episode of The HaltingWinter Podcast, Troedsson shares how his 30-year military career—including time as a helicopter pilot and commander—shaped his approach to municipal leadership. His insights come at a crucial time when cities face increasing complexity and pressure.
If leadership had a secret weapon, it would be the question. Not just any questions, but the right questions, asked at the right time, in the right way. For city managers, mastering the art of inquiry isn’t just about gathering information – it’s about unlocking innovation, building consensus, and transforming how your municipality approaches challenges.
Imagine this scenario: Your city’s downtown revitalization project is stuck. The economic development director sees it through data and revenue projections. The urban planner visualizes spatial relationships and pedestrian flows. The community engagement manager focuses on conversations and stakeholder relationships. Each brings valuable insights, yet instead of creating a richer solution, these different perspectives are causing friction and delays.
Sound familiar? What you’re experiencing isn’t a conflict of personalities or priorities – it’s a collision of mind patterns. And understanding this hidden dynamic could be the key to unlocking your municipality’s innovative potential.
When a city faces its toughest challenges, conventional wisdom tells us to find the smartest solution. But what if the real key isn’t about finding one right answer, but understanding how different minds can work together to create better solutions?
In this week’s episode of The HaltingWinter Podcast, we dive deep into the science of collaborative intelligence, exploring groundbreaking insights from Markova and McArthur’s “Collaborative Intelligence” and what it means for municipal leadership.
As a city manager, you’re facing a paradox. Your community’s challenges are becoming increasingly complex, requiring more sophisticated solutions than ever before. Yet the traditional model of heroic, solo leadership isn’t just ineffective – it’s obsolete. Today’s municipal success depends, not on having all the answers yourself, but on your ability to harness the collective intelligence of your entire ecosystem.
This week, we’re diving deep into “Collaborative Intelligence” by Dawna Markova and Angie McArthur, a groundbreaking work that revolutionizes our understanding of how minds work together. Through the lens of our ABCs of Municipal Leadership framework, we’ll explore how these insights can transform your approach to city management and help you create a more innovative, resilient, and effective municipality.
Impactful City Leaders,
Welcome to this week’s edition of “The Leader’s Lens!” What makes some city halls feel electric with possibility while others seem stuck in bureaucratic quicksand? This week, we’ve explored Daniel Coyle’s “The Culture Code,” discovering how invisible patterns shape organizational excellence – and what it means for municipal leadership.