The Leader’s Lens

Every week, you’ll get insights and actionable steps to help you navigate personal growth and professional success.

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What do you want? 

Those deep, inner cravings of your heart. Those intense longings of your soul.

Why do you want them? 

What are they fulfilling for you, giving to you, providing for you?

Why do you do the things you do?

What is motivating you, driving you, compelling you to act?

At the epicenter of all of your wants and actions are your desires.

This week we launched three new podcasts on the topic of coaching. We asked these three questions:

  1. Who needs a coach?
  2. Why hire a coach?
  3. What is the coaching process like?

The Insight Report

The Insight Report: #001

Jul 16th, 2022

In this week’s edition of The Insight Report, we look at our three topics of body, mind, and soul and ask three questions:

  1. Are you eating enough protein and why is this important?
  2. Are your goals aligned with your deepest desires?
  3. What frustrations are you experiencing that might be pointing to deeper issues in your life?

It’s Launch Week!

Jul 8th, 2022

We are officially launching HaltingWinter this week as our website is now live and this Saturday will be the first edition of our weekly newsletter, “The Insight Report.” Starting next week, you’ll start to see a consistent flow of content we hope helps and inspires you to take ownership of your body, mind, and soul in order to operate at your peak performance physically, mentally, and emotionally. Here are ways to engage in all our content…