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The HaltingWinter Podcast

Every city manager knows the moment: It’s Monday morning. Your inbox holds a pointed email from your city council, your most experienced department head just announced retirement, and community groups are demanding immediate action on emerging challenges.

In these pressure-cooker moments, something more fundamental than experience or expertise determines your effectiveness: your mindset.

The HaltingWinter Podcast: Mindset

Today on The HaltingWinter Podcast, we’re diving deep into Carol Dweck’s groundbreaking work “Mindset” and its profound implications for municipal leadership.

Special This Week: Experience MLDC Free for 7 Days
Join our nationwide community of municipal leaders and access the complete Mindset series, daily insights, and Friday’s Virtual Book Club discussion. Start your free trial today. –> Join Here

Special This Week: Experience the MLDC Free for 7 Days
Get complete access to our leadership development platform, daily insights, and join our virtual book club this Friday as we explore Carol Dweck’s “Mindset.” Start your free trial today. –> Click Here

Imagine sitting in your office late one evening, replaying a difficult interaction from earlier that day. A department head challenged your approach to a new city initiative – not aggressively, but with clear disagreement. You responded by asserting your authority, shutting down the discussion. Now, hours later, you’re wondering: Was that really leadership, or was it your fixed mindset taking control?